
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Off Guard

Music: Kiss Me Slowly - Parachute

I stumbled out of the restaurant with my new found friends after a big dinner of hamburgers and french fries, laughing at the joke we had just made and how much of a good time we had inside.

And then I caught him out of the corner of my eye, walking towards us. He was in jeans, a nice blue button up and that winning smile across his face. A, as I would like to call him.

We stumbled into an awkward hug and I caught a whiff of his cologne. We made small talk and I introduced him to my Littles and as we joked around, I found myself with the most ridiculous smile, plastered across my face.

I have it again right now as I'm typing this.

He briefly said goodbye as he was headed out for the typical Friday night excursions and we went in opposite directions.

I clutched the arms of the two girls I was in, giggled and thought what the hell was that?!